Welcome to the website for the Shannon Valley Homes Association in Overland Park, KS!
Recent News
Annual Dues Reminder
You should have received your Annual Dues Letter. Please remit payment at your earlier convenience. Annual Dues are due at the end of January (January 31st). The dues amount for 2025 are $325.
Shannon Valley Social Events
We need your help! It is become increasingly difficult for the very few that donate their time to try to give to our community some quality social events, such as Oktoberfest, Easter Egg Hunt and Fourth of July events. We are asking for our neighbors to help volunteer just a few hours of their time to help us. Please contact us at contact@shannonvalley.com or contact Association Manager Kevin Cahill at kcahill@hasolutions.net
Exterior Maintenance
We as a community value curb appeal of ours and our neighbors homes. Please do your part in keeping our home values high.
Bulky Item Pick-Up Changes
Beginning in January of 2024, Constable Sanitations bulk item program will be changing dates. Shannon Valley will be moving to the 4th pickup of every month. Participation in the bulk item program continues to increase and having all bulk pickup for all residents on the first week of every month is hard on their crew. Shifting bulk pickup for many of their residents will help to balance out the workload and ensure all residents receive the best service possible. Constable Sanitations has set up a web page that can be checked each month to clarify the monthly bulk item pickup week.
Food Trucks at the Park
Sunday, March 23, 2025
5pm to 8pm
TBD- Late March
Food Trucks at the Park
Sunday, April 6, 2025
Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 8, 2025